Dreams Can Help Us In Reality

I loved working on this Action Project, especially because I got to make a dream catcher and incorporate my personality into it. I love art, whether it's a sculpture, drawing, painting, or collage. Doubts and Dreams is the name for Unit 4. We visited the Art Institute of Chicago, and went on another Field Experience to the American Indian Center. We learned about different surrealists from the early 1900's and how they would tap into their unconscious to create art. There were many steps leading up to this Action Project. We watched a documentary called Three Identical Strangers. We learned about the importance and difference of nurture and nature. We also had some grammar sessions, and learned how to type with typewriters! Then I sat down with someone in my class, and shared my dream, and they shared their's as well. For this unit's AP, we made a dream catcher using colors and elements that symbolize our dream. Below is my essay and photo!

I was about eight years old when I had this dream, it’s one of the most innocent dreams that I’ve had, but it is also the most prevalent to me. Usually when I wake up, I forget most parts of my dreams or the whole dream altogether. I believe that’s by design, I don’t think we are meant to have our dreams in our conscious mind. Our dreams and nightmares are mysteries that come to us, and are meant to stay in our unconscious mind. But we can tap into our unconscious mind to interpret our dreams and try to understand them. Dreams and nightmares are fascinating because we cannot control them. Dreams may be random, but they do have meaning. 

Me and my younger sisters were getting ready to go to the store with my Mom. She had planned out the day, first we were going to run errands, then we all had an event to go to afterwards. I remember we went to a grocery store first, but next door was an art and craft store that I loved (and still love) called Michaels. We went next door and I bought a Lisa Frank drawing kit. It had charcoal pencils (the best for drawing) and oil pastels, and a big sketch book. I was so happy, it made my day. It was thanksgiving, and at the time I lived with my grandmother. She was boiling sweet potatoes to make sweet potato pie and I was distracted by the smell. I put my kit in my bedroom in the closet, and went to the kitchen to see my grandmother. When I came back to the room all my oil pastels were on the floor. My sisters were using my pencils, and tore out my papers from the sketchbook. I was so upset, I yelled at them and forcefully snatched my kit away. 

I woke up frustrated and confused. The dream felt so realistic that I got up and went to the closet and the art kit was not there. I don’t think I cried, but I almost did. My whole day was ruined. I think this dream was trying to tell me in a way, to not get so worked up over little things. That there is so much more to life than an art kit! At the time, I didn’t interpret my dream that way, I just was being selfish and childish. Now that I am 16, I can look back and try to make sense of my dream. There was no good reason to be mad at my sisters, I could’ve simply shared it or showed them how to use it. 

My dream catcher symbolizes that life is not as serious as I can make it sometimes. There is a reason to everything that happens in life, and you just have to trust the universe to guide you the right way. I need to learn how to be more patient and not be so quick to anger when things don’t go exactly how I picture it. The outside of my dreamcatcher is black, showing how I take things too serious sometimes. 
For my web, I used a glitter string, showing that I need to be more optimistic and approach situations like my dream by being calm and patient. I put the black beads and colorful feathers together because there is a complementary side to every standpoint and perspective, which is balance. I hope that my dreamcatcher filters any negative or stressful thoughts I have, and I also hope that it brings me peace and helps keep my anger at bay.


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