Sustainable Gardening

For our spring term in STEAM, we are currently in a class called Food. In our Food class so far we learned about ecosystems and how they impact our relationship with food and agriculture. We have been learning about different plant interactions and symbiosis. We also have been getting into doing some gardening and intro to the science of food as well. We read about Darwin and Fukuoka who were gardeners who both had different approaches to agriculture and how we interact with food. Our first Field Experience was going to Patchwork Farms. They showed us around their garden and even let us help them re-arrange plants around the garden. On our second FE, we went to a Catering Company called Big Delicious Planet. The owner and CEO of the company showed us around and introduced us to their personal gardener. They shared with us some tips about plants as well, which herbicide and fertilizer to use when gardening. For our first Action Project in our food class we had to plan and sketch out a garden.

Below is my Green Garden Plan!


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