Lab Report: Biscuits

In Unit 2 of our STEAM class called Food, we learned about baking and leavening agents. Leading up to this Action Project, we went on an FE to a Homeless Shelter. We talked to Erica, the head cook and baker at the shelter, and she talked about baking and her experience with it. She explained how you have to be more disciplined to bake than to cook, because it's a science. Back in class, we learned about mirco and macro nutrients in food that we eat. We looked at nutrition labels, and nutrition guidelines, and compared them. We also learned how to do conversions with recipes. In our kitchen at GCE, we did a mini experiment with brownies. We split the brownie batter in half and changed a variable in the recipe, and once the brownies finished baking, we compared the two. For my AP in Food, we did our own individual experiment, and I baked biscuits.

Below is my Lab Report on how my Biscuit Experiment went!


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