Who Runs The World? Girls!

I define a hero as someone who is selfless, inspiring, kind, and strong - AKA my Mom. In Unit 3 of my class Stories, our goal was to create a Hero's Journey using a fictional hero and a hero in real life. Joseph Campbell came up with the theory of a Hero's Journey when he realized the same pattern in books, movies, and TV shows. There are 12 steps to the classic story structure. "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself," according to Campbell's definition. Before doing our last AP of the quarter, we looked at different story's to be able to observe the Hero's journey in play. We watched the Matrix and Star Wars IV, and afterwards we discussed what we think the different steps were in the movie.

Captain Marvel is my fictional hero and I chose her because I believe she's one of the best-written hero's out of Marvel's Avengers characters. I like her because she's both human and Kree, and her whole story is about being knocked down and getting backed up. Before Captain Marvel became half Kree she was fully human. The movie had two stories in one. The first part of the movie was catching you up on her origin story, and there were flashbacks from when she was a gritty young girl. She grew up with the message that she couldn't play boys sports because she wasn't strong enough. The second part was her being half human and half Kree.

I chose my Mom to be my real life hero because I believe she has every character attribute that a real hero has. Both of my hero's stories join together because my Mom's story is about breaking out of what is "normal." Captain Marvel was a woman that was surrounded by men. The job my Mom has now is predominately male. Captain Marvel and my Mom both have dealt with difficult men throughout their journey.

Below is my video of my Mom's Hero Journey and Captain Marvel's Hero Journey.

Hero's Journey by TG from GCE Lab School on Vimeo.


Captain Marvel. Seige. Marvel Studios. 19 Feb. 2019.

Graves, Trinity. Personal Interview. 17 November 2019.

Pictures are screen-shots from movie.


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